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  1. Construct by Breitenlauf, $20.00
    Construct is a technically based headline font that can also be used as body text. The font has some new ligatures that are automatically applied. Construct particularly suitable for headlines which should have a urban and technical character.
  2. KR Construction - Unknown license
  3. Urban Constructed - Unknown license
  4. constructor by Fontop, $11.00
    Introducing a new bold CONSTRUCTOR font family. Perfect combination of 2 fonts (Light and Shadow) to create your own layered 3D headlines, eye-catching texts, logotypes, design, posters for sports, music, street culture, modern arts, industries and many more other themes. 2 more fonts (Emboss and Regular) have bold 3D effects thanks to their design and shapes. Fonts have extensive Latin multilingual support, uppercase, small-caps, numbers and basic punctuations.
  5. Contract by resource.studio, $25.00
    A New Typographic workhorse with robust round over corner curvature construction. Rounded condensed sans serif. 331+ Characters Upper & Lowercase Adobe Latin 3 - CE
  6. Solido Constricted by DSType, $40.00
    Solido is a very versatile and usable type system with five widths: Solido, Solido Constricted, Solido Condensed, Solido Compressed and Solido Compact, in a total of 35 fonts with many of alternate characters.
  7. Construkt Unicase by Stereo Type Haus, $10.00
    Construkt is a unicase hybrid headline typeface characterized by its sleek curves and extended forms. The family of 3 weights and alternative characters allow for greater versatility and a variety of upper and lowercase effects.
  8. DeconStruct-Black - 100% free
  9. EF DeconStruct by Elsner+Flake, $35.00
  10. Deconstructed JNL by Jeff Levine, $29.00
    Deconstructed JNL is another set of rubber stamp alphabet letters and numbers from a 1930s toy printing set. The original typeface of this set is Cheltenham Open. The stamps were printed out and scanned, creating this limited-character font with dual characteristics. At small point sizes it replicates inked rubber stamp impressions, but in larger format it shows angular lines and erratic character shapes as if made from cut paper or lettering that was intentionally made to look damaged.
  11. Operating instructions - Unknown license
  12. Contract Banner by Solotype, $19.95
    Our penchant for banner types lives on. This one is our take on an 1880s font called Mezzotint. Banner fonts give the appearance of art work, without having to do any. We like that.
  13. Font - Unknown license
  14. Konstructa Humana Stencil by TypoGraphicDesign, $19.00
    CONCEPT/ CHARACTERISTICS »Kon­strukta Humana Sten­cil« aka »Hot Cold« is a modern desi­gned sans serif type­face with huma­nist influ­en­ces and Sten­cil cha­rac­ter. The par­ti­ally strong line thick­ness dif­fe­rence (line con­trast) gives the font a touch of ele­gance and crea­tes ten­sion as fats. The font comes in 3 font styles. From ele­gant warm ten­der­ness »Thin« to the solid, bold, and robust­ness cold »Regular«. APPLICATION AREA The »Thin« font weight would pro­bably dig on fes­tive invi­ta­ti­ons and »Regu­lar« as con­cise pos­ter font. From head­lines in maga­zi­nes or web­sites about pos­ter design and fly­ers to t-shirt design. Just type it. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Head­line Font | Dis­play Font | Sans Serif Sten­cil Font »Kon­structa Humana Sten­cil« Open­Type Font (Mac + Win) with 375 gly­phs & 3 styles (regu­lar, light, thin). With alter­na­tive let­ters, liga­tures, accents & €.
  15. Lifetime Font - Personal use only
  16. Sucker Font - Personal use only
  17. Charming Font - Unknown license
  18. HEX Font - Personal use only
  19. Glitter Font - Unknown license
  20. #44 Font - Personal use only
  21. Babylon Font - Unknown license
  22. barcode font - Unknown license
  23. moon font - Unknown license
  24. Schindler’s Font - Personal use only
  25. Dot Font - Unknown license
  26. Jacks Font - Unknown license
  27. Ticky font - Unknown license
  28. Oblivious font - Unknown license
  29. Still Font - Unknown license
  30. ADIstiLleRS Font - Personal use only
  31. Lucky Font - Unknown license
  32. Jim’s Font - Unknown license
  33. El&Font - Unknown license
  34. sai Font - Unknown license
  35. Cher Font - Unknown license
  36. kero Font - Unknown license
  37. Bharatic-Font - Unknown license
  38. font twelve - Personal use only
  39. Font TUMIKI - Unknown license
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